The Imperials never or rarely enforce the ban, and desire free Talos worship as much, if not more, as do the Stormcloaks. The Imperials were at war with the Elves at one point, and as a concession in a treaty for peace, decided to permit the Thalmor (a religious clan of Elves) to police Skyrim in search of Talos-worshippers in what amounts to a ban on Talos worship. The Imperials are a kind of police that enforce the laws of the Cyrodiil, of which Skyrim is one part.

The Stormcloaks are “true” Nords of the Skyrim region who wish to freely worship Talos, and hold this as their primary reason for fighting the Imperials. Skyrim is one province of the continent of Tamriel, on planet Nirn, upon which the Elder Scrolls games are based.

In the game Skyrim, you’re given the option to either side with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks.